Root Words and their word stems. This helps you see all related words in the English.
~ Root Words and their word stems
4 * abase
4 - abased
1 - abasing
19 * abhor
16 - abhorred
2 - abhorrest
5 - abhorreth
1 - abhorring
82 * abide
30 - abideth
9 - abiding
23 * abominable
1 - abominably
75 - abomination
76 - abominations
19 * abound
5 - abounded
3 - aboundeth
3 - abounding
68 * abundance
13 - abundant
32 - abundantly
3 * abuse
1 - abused
1 - abusers
1 - abusing
25 * accept
23 - acceptable
1 - acceptably
1 - acceptance
2 - acceptation
29 - accepted
1 - acceptest
4 - accepteth
1 - accepting
4 * accompanied
1 - accompany
1 - accompanying
13 * accomplish
26 - accomplished
1 - accomplishing
1 - accomplishment
16 * accord
793 - according
1 - accordingly
17 * account
11 - accounted
1 - accounting
1 - accounts
10 * accusation
16 - accuse
14 - accused
1 - accuser
8 - accusers
1 - accuseth
1 - accusing
16 * acknowledge
3 - acknowledged
1 - acknowledgeth
3 - acknowledging
1 - acknowledgment
1 * acquaint
11 - acquaintance
2 - acquainted
1 - acquainting
2 * administered
1 - administration
1 - administrations
3 * admonish
5 - admonished
1 - admonishing
2 * adorn
4 - adorned
1 - adorneth
2 - adorning
3 * adulterer
9 - adulterers
5 - adulteress
3 - adulteresses
5 - adulteries
4 - adulterous
40 - adultery
4 * advantage
1 - advantaged
1 - advantageth
3 * advise
2 - advised
1 - advisement
2 * affect
2 - affected
1 - affecteth
6 * affection
1 - affectionately
1 - affectioned
2 - affections
36 * afflict
55 - afflicted
1 - afflictest
75 - affliction
13 - afflictions
7 * agree
8 - agreed
6 - agreement
2 - agreeth
6 * alexander
3 - alexandria
1 - alexandrians
5 * alien
1 - alienate
7 - alienated
3 - aliens
3 * allow
2 - allowance
1 - allowed
1 - alloweth
4 * ambassador
8 - ambassadors
1 - ambassage
7 * ambush
1 - ambushes
2 - ambushment
1 - ambushments
201 * angel
93 - angels
234 * anger
1 - angered
44 - angry
35 * anoint
98 - anointed
1 - anointedst
1 - anointest
28 - anointing
131 * answer
1 - answerable
492 - answered
2 - answeredst
6 - answerest
13 - answereth
31 - answering
3 - answers
19 * apostle
55 - apostles
4 - apostleship
54 * appear
38 - appearance
2 - appearances
70 - appeared
10 - appeareth
6 - appearing
1 * appease
2 - appeased
1 - appeaseth
2 * appertain
3 - appertained
2 - appertaineth
41 * appoint
126 - appointed
1 - appointeth
4 - appointment
19 * approach
2 - approached
1 - approacheth
2 - approaching
3 * approve
8 - approved
1 - approvest
1 - approveth
1 - approving
149 * arise
9 - ariseth
1 - arising
13 * ascend
19 - ascended
2 - ascendeth
5 - ascending
4 - ascent
109 * ask
119 - asked
3 - askest
11 - asketh
7 - asking
20 * assemble
37 - assembled
6 - assemblies
2 - assembling
49 - assembly
7 * assurance
1 - assure
3 - assured
9 - assuredly
11 * attend
4 - attendance
3 - attended
1 - attending
2 * attent
5 - attentive
1 - attentively
17 * avenge
16 - avenged
9 - avenger
2 - avengeth
3 - avenging
5 * avoid
1 - avoided
2 - avoiding
42 * awake
8 - awaked
2 - awakest
3 - awaketh
1 - awaking
2 * babbler
1 - babbling
2 - babblings
154 * back
1 - backbiters
1 - backbiteth
1 - backbiting
1 - backbitings
3 * backside
1 - backslider
12 - backsliding
4 - backslidings
14 * banquet
1 - banqueting
1 - banquetings
22 * baptism
1 - baptisms
14 - baptist
9 - baptize
61 - baptized
1 - baptizest
2 - baptizeth
4 - baptizing
6 * bath
18 - bathe
1 - bathed
9 - baths
215 * bear
3 - bearers
5 - bearest
25 - beareth
22 - bearing
2 - bears
36 * beat
40 - beaten
2 - beatest
1 - beateth
3 - beating
1 * beauties
23 - beautiful
3 - beautify
49 - beauty
9 * befall
7 - befallen
3 - befalleth
5 - befell
1799 * before
4 - beforehand
11 - beforetime
225 * begat
10 - beget
2 - begettest
3 - begetteth
24 - begotten
3 * beggar
1 - beggarly
3 - begged
3 - begging
27 * begin
1 - beginnest
106 - beginning
4 - beginnings
2 * beguile
5 - beguiled
1 - beguiling
6 * behave
9 - behaved
1 - behaveth
4 - behaviour
1326 * behold
4 - beholdest
4 - beholdeth
15 - beholding
2 - behoved
1 * belief
143 - believe
116 - believed
2 - believers
8 - believest
45 - believeth
8 - believing
12 * belong
12 - belonged
1 - belongest
20 - belongeth
5 - belonging
5 * bemoan
1 - bemoaned
1 - bemoaning
8 * bend
2 - bendeth
1 - bending
6 * bereave
6 - bereaved
1 - bereaveth
18 * betray
19 - betrayed
1 - betrayers
1 - betrayest
3 - betrayeth
17 * bid
14 - bidden
1 - biddeth
1 - bidding
49 * bind
9 - bindeth
5 - binding
28 * bird
24 - birds
15 * birth
3 - birthday
10 - birthright
38 * bitter
9 - bitterly
3 - bittern
22 - bitterness
18 * black
1 - blacker
1 - blackish
6 - blackness
4 * blame
2 - blamed
15 - blameless
10 * blaspheme
16 - blasphemed
1 - blasphemer
2 - blasphemers
1 - blasphemest
5 - blasphemeth
6 - blasphemies
1 - blaspheming
2 - blasphemous
1 - blasphemously
14 - blasphemy
8 * blast
5 - blasted
5 - blasting
127 * bless
302 - blessed
3 - blessedness
3 - blessest
8 - blesseth
67 - blessing
12 - blessings
82 * blind
5 - blinded
1 - blindeth
1 - blindfolded
7 - blindness
447 * blood
1 - bloodguiltiness
1 - bloodthirsty
16 - bloody
6 * blossom
1 - blossomed
2 - blossoms
13 * blot
6 - blotted
1 - blotteth
1 - blotting
39 * blow
4 - bloweth
4 - blowing
4 - blown
20 * boast
2 - boasted
2 - boasters
1 - boastest
4 - boasteth
9 - boasting
1 - boastings
33 * bodies
4 - bodily
174 - body
16 * boil
3 - boiled
1 - boiling
2 - boils
11 * bold
13 - boldly
10 - boldness
19 * bond
39 - bondage
2 - bondmaid
2 - bondmaids
6 - bondman
17 - bondmen
26 - bonds
1 - bondservant
1 - bondservice
8 - bondwoman
3 - bondwomen
8 * borrow
3 - borrowed
2 - borrower
1 - borroweth
20 * bottom
7 - bottomless
1 - bottoms
2 * bountiful
6 - bountifully
1 - bountifulness
3 - bounty
99 * bow
77 - bowed
3 - boweth
4 - bowing
1 * brawler
1 - brawlers
2 - brawling
140 * break
2 - breaker
1 - breakest
17 - breaketh
18 - breaking
1 - breakings
18 * breast
28 - breastplate
3 - breastplates
27 - breasts
41 * breath
4 - breathe
4 - breathed
1 - breatheth
2 - breathing
2 * bribe
1 - bribery
3 - bribes
14 * bride
3 - bridechamber
23 - bridegroom
9 * bridle
1 - bridles
1 - bridleth
727 * bring
1 - bringers
5 - bringest
79 - bringeth
24 - bringing
186 * broken
1 - brokenfooted
1 - brokenhanded
2 - brokenhearted
367 * brother
2 - brotherhood
6 - brotherly
8 * bruise
9 - bruised
1 - bruises
2 - bruising
162 * build
50 - builded
1 - buildedst
1 - builder
15 - builders
5 - buildest
9 - buildeth
37 - building
3 - buildings
170 - built
2 * bull
104 - bullock
45 - bullocks
10 - bulls
69 * burden
2 - burdened
25 - burdens
5 - burdensome
6 * burial
106 - buried
1 - buriers
138 * burn
98 - burned
18 - burneth
60 - burning
3 - burnings
1 - burnished
366 - burnt
39 * bury
4 - burying
7 - buryingplace
1 * busied
29 - business
1 - busy
2 - busybodies
1 - busybody
56 * buy
3 - buyer
2 - buyest
3 - buyeth
2624 * by
1 - byways
6 - byword
196 * call
624 - called
4 - calledst
3 - callest
30 - calleth
24 - calling
2 * calve
1 - calved
18 - calves
1 - calveth
9 * camel
47 - camels
4 * cana
91 - canaan
14 - canaanite
55 - canaanites
1 - canaanitess
2 - canaanitish
16 * candle
1 - candles
41 - candlestick
12 - candlesticks
1 * canker
1 - cankered
6 - cankerworm
59 * captive
43 - captives
127 - captivity
1 * carcas
34 - carcase
22 - carcases
20 * care
3 - cared
7 - careful
4 - carefully
4 - carefulness
5 - careless
3 - carelessly
3 - cares
3 - carest
7 - careth
1 - caring
26 * carmel
5 - carmelite
2 - carmelitess
11 * carnal
4 - carnally
3 * carpenter
9 - carpenters
145 * carried
1 - carriest
3 - carrieth
90 - carry
8 - carrying
13 * carved
2 - carving
1 - carvings
500 * cast
1 - castaway
1 - castedst
3 - castest
16 - casteth
21 - casting
15 * catch
3 - catcheth
37 - caught
328 * cause
94 - caused
2 - causeless
7 - causes
2 - causest
32 - causeth
4 - causing
33 * cave
5 - caves
69 * cease
33 - ceased
10 - ceaseth
7 - ceasing
20 * centurion
3 - centurions
196 * certain
31 - certainly
7 - certainty
1 * chaldaeans
7 - chaldea
2 - chaldean
65 - chaldeans
13 - chaldees
52 * chamber
1 - chambering
6 - chamberlain
9 - chamberlains
66 - chambers
26 * change
1 - changeable
43 - changed
1 - changers
7 - changes
1 - changest
2 - changeth
1 - changing
102 * charge
5 - chargeable
51 - charged
1 - chargedst
17 - charger
3 - chargers
6 - charges
1 - chargest
2 - charging
1 * charmed
1 - charmer
2 - charmers
1 - charming
6 * chase
13 - chased
1 - chaseth
1 - chasing
6 * chasten
8 - chastened
1 - chastenest
5 - chasteneth
6 - chastening
10 - chastise
6 - chastised
5 - chastisement
1 - chastiseth
10 * cheer
1 - cheereth
4 - cheerful
1 - cheerfully
1 - cheerfulness
1 * cherish
1 - cherished
2 - cherisheth
3 * chew
1 - chewed
8 - cheweth
4 * chide
2 - chided
1 - chiding
338 * chief
8 - chiefest
3 - chiefly
201 * child
1 - childbearing
2 - childhood
1 - childish
7 - childless
1802 - children
59 * choose
2 - choosest
3 - chooseth
1 - choosing
29 - chose
123 - chosen
555 * christ
2 - christian
1 - christians
2 - christs
10 * circumcise
39 - circumcised
2 - circumcising
36 - circumcision
6 * clap
2 - clapped
1 - clappeth
133 * clean
5 - cleanness
33 - cleanse
39 - cleansed
3 - cleanseth
10 - cleansing
15 * clear
1 - clearer
2 - clearing
5 - clearly
1 - clearness
30 * cleave
3 - cleaved
13 - cleaveth
1 * cliff
1 - cliffs
1 - clift
1 - clifts
4 * climb
2 - climbed
1 - climbeth
11 * close
11 - closed
1 - closer
1 - closest
18 * cloth
16 - clothe
73 - clothed
101 - clothes
1 - clothest
19 - clothing
4 - cloths
107 * cloud
49 - clouds
6 - cloudy
12 * cock
1 - cockatrice
1 - cockatrices
1 - cockcrowing
14 * colour
1 - coloured
12 - colours
1972 * come
1 - comers
29 - comest
282 - cometh
100 - coming
1 - comings
66 * comfort
2 - comfortable
5 - comfortably
36 - comforted
1 - comfortedst
8 - comforter
5 - comforters
5 - comforteth
1 - comfortless
2 - comforts
104 * command
443 - commanded
4 - commandedst
1 - commander
3 - commandest
13 - commandeth
4 - commanding
177 - commandment
171 - commandments
7 * commend
2 - commendation
6 - commended
4 - commendeth
1 - commending
75 * commit
92 - committed
1 - committest
19 - committeth
2 - committing
8 * commune
18 - communed
2 - communing
4 - communion
4 * communicate
2 - communicated
6 - communication
2 - communications
13 * companion
21 - companions
1 * comparable
4 - compare
5 - compared
2 - comparing
4 - comparison
39 * compass
44 - compassed
1 - compassest
5 - compasseth
3 - compassing
5 * compel
6 - compelled
1 - compellest
4 * complain
2 - complained
1 - complainers
1 - complaining
9 - complaint
1 - complaints
14 * conceive
46 - conceived
1 - conceiving
2 * concern
2 - concerneth
242 - concerning
1 * conclude
3 - concluded
1 - conclusion
24 * condemn
12 - condemnation
21 - condemned
1 - condemnest
4 - condemneth
2 - condemning
28 * confess
7 - confessed
3 - confesseth
3 - confessing
6 - confession
38 * confidence
1 - confidences
8 - confident
1 - confidently
13 * confirm
2 - confirmation
13 - confirmed
3 - confirmeth
3 - confirming
1 * conquer
1 - conquering
1 - conquerors
14 * consecrate
14 - consecrated
9 - consecration
4 - consecrations
15 * consent
4 - consented
1 - consentedst
2 - consenting
67 * consider
16 - considered
2 - considerest
9 - considereth
4 - considering
1 * constrain
6 - constrained
2 - constraineth
1 - constraint
1 * consult
1 - consultation
13 - consulted
1 - consulter
1 - consulteth
56 * consume
96 - consumed
4 - consumeth
3 - consuming
7 * contain
5 - contained
1 - containeth
1 - containing
2 * contemn
4 - contemned
1 - contemneth
10 - contempt
4 - contemptible
1 - contemptuously
14 * contend
6 - contended
1 - contendest
3 - contendeth
1 - contending
16 * content
9 - contention
6 - contentions
5 - contentious
1 - contentment
33 * continual
81 - continually
5 - continuance
38 - continue
29 - continued
5 - continueth
4 - continuing
2 * convert
9 - converted
1 - converteth
1 - converting
1 - converts
2 * convince
4 - convinced
1 - convinceth
7 * correct
2 - corrected
2 - correcteth
12 - correction
33 * corrupt
14 - corrupted
2 - corrupters
1 - corrupteth
7 - corruptible
1 - corrupting
21 - corruption
2 - corruptly
4 * cost
1 - costliness
6 - costly
7 * couch
2 - couched
2 - couches
1 - coucheth
1 - couching
1 - couchingplace
143 * counsel
4 - counselled
14 - counsellor
21 - counsellors
12 - counsels
26 * count
40 - counted
3 - counteth
1 - counting
10 * couple
12 - coupled
2 - coupleth
10 - coupling
1 - couplings
20 * courage
5 - courageous
1 - courageously
292 * covenant
1 - covenantbreakers
4 - covenanted
3 - covenants
72 * cover
105 - covered
2 - coveredst
2 - coverest
27 - covereth
48 - covering
2 - coverings
3 - covers
8 * covet
3 - coveted
2 - coveteth
9 - covetous
19 - covetousness
6 * craft
5 - craftiness
2 - craftsman
7 - craftsmen
4 - crafty
8 * create
45 - created
1 - createth
6 - creation
5 - creator
29 - creature
12 - creatures
7 * creep
14 - creepeth
29 - creeping
5 * crete
1 - cretes
1 - cretians
199 * cried
1 - cries
5 - criest
17 - crieth
66 * crown
6 - crowned
1 - crownedst
1 - crownest
1 - crowneth
1 - crowning
9 - crowns
1 * cumbered
1 - cumbereth
1 - cumbrance
68 * cup
1 - cupbearer
2 - cupbearers
6 - cups
5 * cure
4 - cured
1 - cures
101 * curse
72 - cursed
2 - cursedst
8 - curses
1 - cursest
10 - curseth
12 - cursing
1 - cursings
320 * cut
1 - cuttest
6 - cutteth
5 - cutting
3 - cuttings
5 * dam
1 - damnable
11 - damnation
3 - damned
40 * damsel
3 - damsels
8 * dance
6 - danced
6 - dances
7 - dancing
43 * dark
1 - darken
19 - darkened
1 - darkeneth
1 - darkish
1 - darkly
162 - darkness
2 - darkon
7 * dash
5 - dashed
2 - dasheth
1732 * day
855 - days
1 - daysman
2 - dayspring
7 - daytime
364 * dead
7 - deadly
1 - deadness
60 * deal
1 - dealer
2 - dealers
2 - dealest
10 - dealeth
1 - dealing
2 - dealings
19 - deals
57 - dealt
7 * dear
10 - dearly
7 * debt
4 - debtor
5 - debtors
2 - debts
1 * decay
2 - decayed
3 - decayeth
34 * deceit
21 - deceitful
11 - deceitfully
3 - deceitfulness
2 - deceits
1 * deceivableness
27 - deceive
34 - deceived
5 - deceiver
3 - deceivers
6 - deceiveth
2 - deceiving
1 - deceivings
2 * deck
6 - decked
2 - deckedst
1 - deckest
1 - decketh
4 * declaration
95 - declare
41 - declared
4 - declareth
4 - declaring
5 * decline
4 - declined
2 - declineth
4 * dedicate
24 - dedicated
2 - dedicating
11 - dedication
65 * deep
9 - deeper
3 - deeply
1 - deepness
4 - deeps
22 * defence
9 - defenced
11 - defend
2 - defended
1 - defendest
1 - defending
39 * defile
71 - defiled
1 - defiledst
9 - defileth
1 * delicacies
5 - delicate
4 - delicately
1 - delicateness
1 - delicates
51 * delight
12 - delighted
1 - delightest
14 - delighteth
6 - delights
1 - delightsome
296 * deliver
16 - deliverance
1 - deliverances
291 - delivered
3 - deliveredst
10 - deliverer
2 - deliverest
13 - delivereth
3 - delivering
1 - delivery
125 * depart
217 - departed
8 - departeth
12 - departing
2 - departure
10 * descend
19 - descended
1 - descendeth
8 - descending
3 - descent
4 * describe
2 - described
2 - describeth
1 - description
1 * deserve
1 - deserveth
1 - deserving
3 * desirable
111 - desire
50 - desired
2 - desiredst
3 - desires
2 - desirest
17 - desireth
12 - desiring
6 - desirous
148 * desolate
46 - desolation
11 - desolations
37 * despise
60 - despised
2 - despisers
1 - despisest
19 - despiseth
1 - despising
2 - despite
3 - despiteful
3 - despitefully
261 * destroy
167 - destroyed
7 - destroyer
4 - destroyers
4 - destroyest
8 - destroyeth
14 - destroying
1 * determinate
1 - determination
1 - determine
30 - determined
61 * devil
1 - devilish
55 - devils
16 * devise
12 - devised
8 - deviseth
1 * devote
7 - devoted
1 - devotions
71 * devour
53 - devoured
1 - devourer
1 - devourest
10 - devoureth
6 - devouring
321 * die
201 - died
1 - diest
30 - dieth
1 * differ
12 - difference
1 - differences
2 - differeth
1 - differing
13 * dig
37 - digged
1 - diggedst
3 - diggeth
10 * diligence
15 - diligent
37 - diligently
8 * diminish
5 - diminished
1 - diminishing
3 * dine
1 - dined
4 - dinner
10 * dip
10 - dipped
2 - dippeth
10 * direct
3 - directed
3 - directeth
1 - direction
2 - directly
3 * disannul
1 - disannulled
1 - disannulleth
1 - disannulling
1 * disappoint
1 - disappointed
1 - disappointeth
17 * discern
4 - discerned
1 - discerner
1 - discerneth
2 - discerning
29 * disciple
243 - disciples
1 - discipline
12 * discover
22 - discovered
2 - discovereth
1 - discovering
3 * discreet
1 - discreetly
9 - discretion
15 * disease
8 - diseased
13 - diseases
3 * disguise
5 - disguised
1 - disguiseth
11 * dishonour
1 - dishonourest
3 - dishonoureth
8 * disperse
10 - dispersed
1 - dispersions
5 * displease
25 - displeased
5 - displeasure
4 * disposed
1 - disposing
1 * disputation
1 - disputations
1 * dispute
5 - disputed
1 - disputer
5 - disputing
2 - disputings
1 * disquiet
6 - disquieted
1 - disquietness
3 * dissembled
1 - dissemblers
1 - dissembleth
1 * dissolve
8 - dissolved
1 - dissolvest
1 - dissolving
33 * distress
11 - distressed
8 - distresses
5 * distribute
6 - distributed
1 - distributeth
1 - distributing
2 - distribution
49 * divide
69 - divided
1 - divider
10 - divideth
7 - dividing
6 - division
17 - divisions
11 * divine
7 - diviners
1 - divineth
1 - divining
1 * divorce
4 - divorced
6 - divorcement
189 * door
1 - doorkeeper
2 - doorkeepers
71 - doors
26 * double
4 - doubled
1 - doubletongued
13 * doubt
4 - doubted
1 - doubteth
2 - doubtful
4 - doubting
7 - doubtless
2 - doubts
1124 * down
1 - downsitting
5 - downward
76 * draw
1 - drawer
3 - drawers
12 - draweth
2 - drawing
28 - drawn
74 * dream
20 - dreamed
4 - dreamer
2 - dreamers
2 - dreameth
21 - dreams
9 * dress
7 - dressed
1 - dresser
1 - dressers
1 - dresseth
39 * dried
1 - driedst
3 - drieth
369 * drink
1 - drinkers
17 - drinketh
21 - drinking
1 - drinks
57 * drive
49 - driven
2 - driver
4 - driveth
4 - driving
15 * drop
7 - dropped
1 - droppeth
3 - dropping
4 - drops
30 * drunk
5 - drunkard
6 - drunkards
33 - drunken
7 - drunkenness
28 * dung
7 - dunghill
1 - dunghills
338 * dwell
6 - dwelled
3 - dwellers
19 - dwellest
58 - dwelleth
52 - dwelling
3 - dwellingplace
5 - dwellingplaces
17 - dwellings
226 - dwelt
984 * earth
10 - earthen
5 - earthly
16 - earthquake
3 - earthquakes
4 - earthy
655 * eat
105 - eaten
3 - eater
1 - eaters
3 - eatest
56 - eateth
27 - eating
4 * edification
2 - edified
3 - edifieth
3 - edify
8 - edifying
14 * effect
1 - effected
6 - effectual
2 - effectually
611 * egypt
23 - egyptian
97 - egyptians
17 * elect
1 - elected
6 - election
8 * embrace
5 - embraced
2 - embracing
8 * emptied
1 - emptiers
1 - emptiness
38 - empty
11 * encamp
33 - encamped
2 - encampeth
1 - encamping
1 * enchanter
1 - enchanters
3 - enchantment
10 - enchantments
1 * enclose
8 - enclosed
2 - enclosings
1 * endeavour
2 - endeavoured
1 - endeavouring
1 - endeavours
307 * end
21 - ended
1 - endeth
1 - ending
2 - endless
29 * endure
8 - endured
59 - endureth
3 - enduring
267 * enemies
107 - enemy
2 * engrave
1 - engraven
3 - engraver
5 - engravings
10 * enlarge
11 - enlarged
1 - enlargement
3 - enlargeth
1 - enlarging
1 * enlighten
6 - enlightened
1 - enlightening
2 * enrich
2 - enriched
1 - enrichest
1 * entangle
3 - entangled
1 - entangleth
149 * enter
107 - entered
20 - entereth
46 - entering
8 * entice
3 - enticed
1 - enticeth
2 - enticing
17 * entreat
27 - entreated
1 - entreateth
1 - entreaties
1 - entreaty
6 * envied
1 - envies
1 - enviest
1 - envieth
4 - envious
20 - envy
5 - envying
2 - envyings
21 * equal
2 - equality
1 - equally
1 - equals
24 * err
12 - erred
2 - erreth
13 - error
4 - errors
59 * escape
58 - escaped
6 - escapeth
1 - escaping
1 * eschew
1 - eschewed
2 - escheweth
44 * establish
74 - established
3 - establisheth
1 - establishment
5 * esteem
11 - esteemed
4 - esteemeth
1 - esteeming
2 * estimate
23 - estimation
1 - estimations
1394 * even
60 - evening
1 - evenings
2 - eveningtide
5 - eventide
476 * ever
97 - everlasting
26 - evermore
7 * evidence
2 - evidences
5 - evident
2 - evidently
612 * evil
2 - evildoer
13 - evildoers
1 - evilfavouredness
9 - evils
8 * exact
2 - exacted
1 - exacteth
1 - exaction
1 - exactions
1 - exactors
26 * exalt
63 - exalted
1 - exaltest
9 - exalteth
1 * examination
5 - examine
6 - examined
1 - examining
4 * exceed
3 - exceeded
1 - exceedest
1 - exceedeth
59 - exceeding
39 - exceedingly
3 * excuse
2 - excused
1 - excusing
32 * execute
20 - executed
1 - executedst
1 - executest
6 - executeth
3 - executing
1 - execution
1 - executioner
11 * exercise
6 - exercised
1 - exerciseth
16 * exhort
10 - exhortation
3 - exhorted
1 - exhorteth
4 - exhorting
14 * expectation
1 - expected
2 - expecting
1 * express
6 - expressed
3 - expressly
2 * extend
2 - extended
1 - extendeth
2 * extortion
3 - extortioner
3 - extortioners
116 * eye
1 - eyebrows
2 - eyed
9 - eyelids
501 - eyes
1 - eyesalve
2 - eyeservice
1 - eyesight
2 - eyewitnesses
6 * fade
7 - fadeth
2 - fading
64 * fail
12 - failed
19 - faileth
2 - failing
41 * faint
12 - fainted
1 - faintest
4 - fainteth
3 - fainthearted
1 - faintness
53 * fair
3 - fairer
3 - fairest
247 * faith
82 - faithful
8 - faithfully
19 - faithfulness
4 - faithless
252 * fall
79 - fallen
1 - fallest
28 - falleth
15 - falling
64 * false
14 - falsehood
21 - falsely
1 - falsifying
13 * fashion
7 - fashioned
3 - fashioneth
1 - fashioning
1 - fashions
85 * fast
15 - fasted
1 - fastest
17 - fasting
4 - fastings
5 * fasten
18 - fastened
1 - fastening
130 * fat
2 - fatfleshed
1 - fatling
5 - fatlings
17 - fatness
5 - fatted
1 - fatter
2 - fattest
979 * father
43 - fatherless
538 - fathers
19 * fault
2 - faultless
4 - faults
2 - faulty
70 * favour
4 - favourable
14 - favoured
1 - favourest
1 - favoureth
398 * fear
74 - feared
3 - fearest
20 - feareth
11 - fearful
1 - fearfully
3 - fearfulness
8 - fearing
4 - fears
123 * feast
1 - feasted
7 - feasting
32 - feasts
20 * feeble
1 - feebleminded
1 - feebleness
1 - feebler
81 * feed
2 - feedest
8 - feedeth
8 - feeding
1 - feedingplace
3 * feign
3 - feigned
1 - feignedly
2 - feignest
243 * fell
1 - felled
1 - fellest
1 - felling
27 * fellow
1 - fellowcitizens
1 - fellowdisciples
1 - fellowheirs
1 - fellowhelper
1 - fellowhelpers
2 - fellowlabourer
2 - fellowlabourers
2 - fellowprisoner
1 - fellowprisoners
13 - fellows
6 - fellowservant
4 - fellowservants
17 - fellowship
2 - fellowsoldier
1 - fellowworkers
31 * fetch
19 - fetched
1 - fetcheth
65 * few
1 - fewer
1 - fewest
1 - fewness
41 * fierce
12 - fierceness
1 - fiercer
107 * fight
3 - fighteth
3 - fighting
2 - fightings
49 * fill
159 - filled
2 - filledst
1 - fillest
6 - filleth
1 - filling
4 * filth
16 - filthiness
17 - filthy
156 * find
2 - findest
27 - findeth
10 - finding
113 * fine
1 - finer
2 - finest
11 * finish
42 - finished
1 - finisher
549 * fire
2 - firebrand
3 - firebrands
4 - firepans
1 - fires
430 * first
1 - firstbegotten
117 - firstborn
2 - firstfruit
32 - firstfruits
14 - firstling
6 - firstlings
35 * fish
1 - fishermen
7 - fishers
27 - fishes
1 - fishhooks
1 - fishing
1 - fishpools
9 * fit
4 - fitly
3 - fitted
1 - fitteth
34 * flame
3 - flames
9 - flaming
2 - flatter
6 - flattereth
3 - flatteries
8 - flattering
2 - flattery
105 * flee
3 - fleeing
9 - fleeth
148 - fled
2 - flew
420 * flesh
2 - fleshhook
5 - fleshhooks
4 - fleshly
13 * flourish
2 - flourished
2 - flourisheth
2 - flourishing
13 * flow
3 - flowed
12 - floweth
12 - flowing
1 * foam
2 - foameth
2 - foaming
9 * fold
1 - folden
1 - foldeth
4 - folding
86 * follow
108 - followed
1 - followedst
8 - followers
15 - followeth
43 - following
66 * fool
52 - foolish
12 - foolishly
20 - foolishness
42 - fools
95 * foot
12 - footmen
4 - footsteps
16 - footstool
37 * forbid
3 - forbidden
1 - forbiddeth
4 - forbidding
19 * force
7 - forced
16 - forces
1 - forcible
2 - forcing
1 * foreknew
1 - foreknow
2 - foreknowledge
1 * foresaw
1 - foreseeing
2 - foreseeth
54 * forget
2 - forgetful
1 - forgetfulness
2 - forgettest
4 - forgetteth
1 - forgetting
56 * forgive
42 - forgiven
7 - forgiveness
1 - forgivenesses
2 - forgiveth
4 - forgiving
24 * form
33 - formed
50 - former
2 - formeth
36 * fornication
3 - fornications
2 - fornicator
3 - fornicators
58 * forsake
76 - forsaken
6 - forsaketh
2 - forsaking
24 - forsook
2 - forsookest
5 * foul
1 - fouled
1 - fouledst
10 * founded
5 - founder
1 - foundest
328 * four
2 - fourfold
3 - fourfooted
36 - fourscore
10 - foursquare
31 * fowl
3 - fowler
1 - fowlers
55 - fowls
5 * frame
4 - framed
2 - frameth
59 * free
2 - freed
2 - freedom
17 - freely
1 - freeman
17 - freewill
3 - freewoman
7 * fret
1 - fretted
1 - fretteth
3 - fretting
53 * friend
3 - friendly
49 - friends
2 - friendship
21 * froward
1 - frowardly
3 - frowardness
208 * fruit
35 - fruitful
42 - fruits
24 * fulfil
82 - fulfilled
3 - fulfilling
260 * full
1 - fuller
13 - fully
21 * further
2 - furtherance
1 - furthered
14 - furthermore
30 * gain
10 - gained
1 - gains
1 * gainsay
1 - gainsayers
3 - gainsaying
3 * galilaean
5 - galilaeans
72 - galilee
52 * garden
1 - gardener
12 - gardens
165 * gather
267 - gathered
1 - gatherer
1 - gatherest
17 - gathereth
11 - gathering
1 - gatherings
5 * gentle
4 - gentleness
2 - gently
27 * gird
33 - girded
1 - girdedst
4 - girdeth
2 - girding
38 - girdle
6 - girdles
880 * give
498 - given
2 - giver
12 - givest
126 - giveth
29 - giving
89 * glad
8 - gladly
47 - gladness
10 * glean
6 - gleaned
5 - gleaning
1 - gleanings
400 * glory
4 - glorying
1 - gloriest
3 - glorieth
45 - glorious
3 - gloriously
50 * glorified
1 - glorifieth
25 - glorify
3 - glorifying
2 * gnash
2 - gnashed
3 - gnasheth
7 - gnashing
35 * goat
87 - goats
1 - goatskins
4446 * god
5 - goddess
3 - godhead
15 - godliness
15 - godly
244 - gods
416 * gold
66 - golden
3 - goldsmith
2 - goldsmiths
720 * good
1 - goodlier
2 - goodliest
1 - goodliness
33 - goodly
6 - goodman
50 - goodness
42 - goods
3 * govern
4 - government
1 - governments
59 - governor
22 - governors
170 * grace
31 - gracious
4 - graciously
8 * grape
1 - grapegatherer
2 - grapegatherers
1 - grapegleanings
37 - grapes
62 * grass
3 - grasshopper
7 - grasshoppers
67 * grave
1 - graveclothes
21 - graves
962 * great
77 - greater
21 - greatest
87 - greatly
32 - greatness
3 * greedily
1 - greediness
6 - greedy
41 * green
2 - greenish
1 - greenness
16 * greet
1 - greeteth
3 - greeting
3 - greetings
1 * grey
1 - greyheaded
1 - greyhound
26 * grief
1 - griefs
1 - grievance
5 - grieve
40 - grieved
2 - grieveth
1 - grieving
38 - grievous
7 - grievously
2 - grievousness
7 * grind
1 - grinders
3 - grinding
7 * groan
1 - groaned
1 - groaneth
9 - groaning
3 - groanings
38 * grow
14 - groweth
23 - grown
2 - growth
3 * grudge
1 - grudging
1 - grudgingly
1 * guest
2 - guestchamber
6 - guests
23 * guide
5 - guided
2 - guides
1 - guiding
2 * guilt
1 - guiltiness
10 - guiltless
26 - guilty
1 * habitable
58 - habitation
20 - habitations
64 * hair
15 - hairs
5 - hairy
6 * halt
2 - halted
2 - halteth
1 - halting
1471 * hand
3 - handbreadth
1 - handed
9 - handful
5 - handfuls
1 - handiwork
461 - hands
1 - handwriting
45 * handmaid
1 - handmaiden
3 - handmaidens
8 - handmaids
19 * hang
30 - hanged
2 - hangeth
18 - hanging
18 - hangings
4 * happen
12 - happened
6 - happeneth
45 * hard
12 - harden
33 - hardened
4 - hardeneth
3 - harder
1 - hardhearted
8 - hardly
7 - hardness
40 * harlot
7 - harlots
30 * harp
1 - harped
2 - harpers
1 - harping
20 - harps
55 * haste
24 - hasted
8 - hasten
6 - hastened
1 - hasteneth
9 - hasteth
8 - hastily
2 - hasting
9 - hasty
87 * hate
60 - hated
3 - hateful
1 - hatefully
2 - haters
6 - hatest
31 - hateth
3 - hating
18 - hatred
1 * haughtily
4 - haughtiness
10 - haughty
364 * head
1 - headbands
3 - headlong
110 - heads
1 - headstone
1 - heady
40 * heal
79 - healed
1 - healer
4 - healeth
14 - healing
1 - healings
17 - health
38 * heap
2 - heaped
2 - heapeth
20 - heaps
550 * hear
641 - heard
12 - heardest
2 - hearer
4 - hearers
11 - hearest
52 - heareth
39 - hearing
81 * hearkened
1 - hearkenedst
2 - hearkeneth
1 - hearkening
830 * heart
8 - hearted
1 - heartily
112 - hearts
1 - hearty
582 * heaven
23 - heavenly
133 - heavens
3 * heavier
3 - heavily
14 - heaviness
40 - heavy
26 * hebrew
1 - hebrewess
20 - hebrews
9 * hedge
3 - hedged
6 - hedges
126 * help
24 - helped
9 - helper
7 - helpers
4 - helpeth
3 - helping
2 - helps
30 * hence
33 - henceforth
2 - henceforward
22 * herd
1 - herdman
8 - herdmen
33 - herds
162 * here
14 - hereafter
13 - hereby
9 - herein
2 - hereof
8 - heretofore
2 - hereunto
2 - herewith
12 * hew
13 - hewed
1 - hewer
9 - hewers
3 - heweth
17 - hewn
129 * hid
17 - hidden
83 - hide
6 - hidest
16 - hideth
6 - hiding
415 * high
21 - higher
18 - highest
6 - highly
3 - highminded
2 - highness
16 * hinder
5 - hindered
1 - hindereth
23 * hire
34 - hired
9 - hireling
1 - hires
1 - hirest
185 * hold
12 - holden
6 - holdest
9 - holdeth
9 - holding
21 - holds
3 * holiest
1 - holily
43 - holiness
611 - holy
2 - holyday
7 * honest
3 - honestly
1 - honesty
146 * honour
30 - honourable
9 - honoured
1 - honourest
9 - honoureth
1 - honours
129 * hope
11 - hoped
1 - hopeth
2 - hoping
43 * horse
5 - horseback
1 - horsehoofs
1 - horseleach
2 - horseman
59 - horsemen
109 - horses
31 * hot
1 - hotly
1 - hottest
2026 * house
61 - household
4 - householder
7 - households
136 - houses
7 - housetop
7 - housetops
29 * howl
1 - howled
6 - howling
1 - howlings
25 * humble
28 - humbled
1 - humbledst
1 - humbleness
7 - humbleth
2 - humbly
1 - humiliation
7 - humility
590 * hundred
7 - hundredfold
28 - hundreds
3 - hundredth
24 * hunger
1 - hungerbitten
8 - hungered
3 - hungred
30 - hungry
12 * hunt
1 - hunted
4 - hunter
1 - hunters
2 - huntest
1 - hunteth
2 - hunting
63 * hurt
3 - hurtful
1 - hurting
120 * husband
7 - husbandman
21 - husbandmen
2 - husbandry
19 - husbands
1 * hypocrisies
6 - hypocrisy
10 - hypocrite
20 - hypocrites
2 - hypocritical
15 * idol
2 - idolater
5 - idolaters
1 - idolatries
1 - idolatrous
5 - idolatry
98 - idols
18 * ignorance
17 - ignorant
4 - ignorantly
100 * image
1 - imagery
71 - images
14 * imagination
6 - imaginations
12 - imagine
3 - imagined
1 - imagineth
1 * imprisoned
2 - imprisonment
1 - imprisonments
3 * impute
8 - imputed
2 - imputeth
2 - imputing
16 * incline
13 - inclined
1 - inclineth
88 * increase
49 - increased
1 - increasest
15 - increaseth
1 - increasing
10 * inhabit
33 - inhabitant
202 - inhabitants
32 - inhabited
2 - inhabiters
1 - inhabitest
2 - inhabiteth
1 - inhabiting
62 * inherit
239 - inheritance
1 - inheritances
6 - inherited
1 - inheriteth
1 - inheritor
5 * innocency
38 - innocent
2 - innocents
52 * inquire
34 - inquired
1 - inquirest
2 - inquiry
3 - inquisition
9 * instruct
19 - instructed
1 - instructing
33 - instruction
2 - instructor
1 - instructors
4 * intend
1 - intended
1 - intendest
3 - intending
9 * intercession
1 - intercessions
1 - intercessor
8 * interpret
46 - interpretation
2 - interpretations
11 - interpreted
4 - interpreter
1 - interpreting
2 * invade
5 - invaded
1 - invasion
1 * invent
1 - invented
5 - inventions
1 - inventors
25 * inward
3 - inwardly
20 - inwards
47 * ishmael
1 - ishmaelite
2 - ishmaelites
1 - ishmaiah
1 - ishmeelite
4 - ishmeelites
2566 * israel
4 - israelite
18 - israelites
3 - israelitish
40 * issue
7 - issued
2 - issues
4 * jaw
3 - jawbone
6 - jaws
19 * jealous
1 - jealousies
34 - jealousy
4 * jehovah
1 - jehovahjireh
1 - jehovahnissi
1 - jehovahshalom
32 * jew
2 - jewess
1 - jewish
3 - jewry
243 - jews
60 * journey
33 - journeyed
3 - journeying
2 - journeyings
9 - journeys
165 * joy
1 - joyed
25 - joyful
3 - joyfully
2 - joyfulness
1 - joying
4 - joyous
191 * judge
63 - judged
52 - judges
8 - judgest
17 - judgeth
6 - judging
294 - judgment
127 - judgments
28 * justice
3 - justification
43 - justified
1 - justifier
4 - justifieth
11 - justify
2 - justifying
362 * keep
21 - keeper
21 - keepers
4 - keepest
46 - keepeth
12 - keeping
126 * kill
67 - killed
2 - killedst
2 - killest
23 - killeth
5 - killing
19 * kindle
66 - kindled
3 - kindleth
45 * kind
10 - kindly
48 - kindness
2256 * king
342 - kingdom
57 - kingdoms
1 - kingly
329 - kings
16 * kinsman
7 - kinsmen
3 - kinswoman
1 - kinswomen
20 * kiss
26 - kissed
2 - kisses
2 * knead
3 - kneaded
2 - kneadingtroughs
6 * knee
2 - kneel
8 - kneeled
3 - kneeling
30 - knees
4 * knock
1 - knocked
4 - knocketh
1 - knocking
763 * know
89 - knowest
104 - knoweth
51 - knowing
172 - knowledge
222 - known
89 * labour
19 - laboured
2 - labourer
9 - labourers
5 - laboureth
4 - labouring
13 - labours
15 * lack
11 - lacked
2 - lackest
5 - lacketh
8 - lacking
3 * lade
4 - laded
6 - laden
1 - ladeth
105 * lamb
81 - lambs
21 * lament
1 - lamentable
25 - lamentation
3 - lamentations
11 - lamented
1717 * land
2 - landed
1 - landing
4 - landmark
1 - landmarks
46 - lands
5 * languish
1 - languished
8 - languisheth
1 - languishing
85 * last
1 - lasted
1 - lasting
18 * laugh
13 - laughed
1 - laugheth
1 - laughing
7 - laughter
523 * law
39 - lawful
2 - lawfully
7 - lawgiver
1 - lawless
20 - laws
3 - lawyer
5 - lawyers
241 * lay
1 - layedst
2 - layest
18 - layeth
13 - laying
60 * lead
3 - leader
3 - leaders
1 - leadest
14 - leadeth
11 * lean
6 - leaned
2 - leaneth
3 - leanfleshed
3 - leaning
5 - leanness
9 * leap
8 - leaped
4 - leaping
32 * learn
22 - learned
9 - learning
115 * leave
1 - leaved
6 - leaveth
5 - leaving
23 * leaven
14 - leavened
2 - leaveneth
16 * lend
2 - lender
4 - lendeth
77 * length
2 - lengthen
1 - lengthened
1 - lengthening
17 * leper
6 - lepers
39 - leprosy
6 - leprous
1511 * let
3 - lettest
3 - letteth
1 - letting
28 * levite
265 - levites
1 - levitical
6 - levy
3 * lewd
1 - lewdly
17 - lewdness
6 * liberal
2 - liberality
2 - liberally
5 * lick
4 - licked
1 - licketh
155 * lie
4 - lied
10 - liers
51 - lies
5 - liest
59 - lieth
104 * lift
157 - lifted
1 - lifter
4 - liftest
10 - lifteth
9 - lifting
272 * light
13 - lighted
7 - lighten
5 - lightened
2 - lighteneth
5 - lighter
1 - lightest
3 - lighteth
2 - lighting
7 - lightly
3 - lightness
13 - lightning
14 - lightnings
10 - lights
669 * like
1 - liked
3 - likeminded
9 - liken
6 - likened
34 - likeness
3 - liketh
107 - likewise
1 * limit
1 - limited
1 - limiteth
98 * lion
1 - lioness
1 - lionesses
2 - lionlike
43 - lions
247 * live
58 - lived
5 - lively
28 * lives
4 - livest
96 - liveth
147 - living
5 * loathe
3 - loathed
3 - loatheth
1 - loathing
4 - loathsome
2 * lock
2 - locked
15 - locks
27 * lodge
21 - lodged
1 - lodgest
1 - lodgeth
6 - lodging
1 - lodgings
2 * loft
1 - loftily
1 - loftiness
8 - lofty
211 * long
8 - longed
1 - longedst
17 - longer
4 - longeth
3 - longing
17 - longsuffering
155 * look
143 - looked
2 - lookest
33 - looketh
30 - looking
1 - lookingglasses
5 - looks
29 * loose
32 - loosed
2 - looseth
4 - loosing
7832 * lord
1 - lordly
42 - lords
2 - lordship
310 * love
98 - loved
2 - lovedst
4 - lovely
4 - lover
23 - lovers
3 - loves
12 - lovest
65 - loveth
3 - loving
26 - lovingkindness
4 - lovingkindnesses
45 * low
18 - lower
1 - lowering
11 - lowest
1 - loweth
2 - lowing
2 - lowliness
6 - lowly
19 * lust
4 - lusted
6 - lusteth
1 - lusting
24 - lusts
1 - lusty
36 * maid
8 - maiden
18 - maidens
9 - maids
16 - maidservant
9 - maidservants
10 * maintain
1 - maintained
1 - maintainest
2 - maintenance
1055 * make
20 - maker
1 - makers
26 - makest
126 - maketh
30 - making
46 * male
1 - malefactor
3 - malefactors
1 - maleleel
32 - males
6 * malice
1 - malicious
2 - maliciousness
2612 * man
6 - mankind
12 - manservant
1 - manslayers
2 - manslayer
1 - manservants
39 * manifest
3 - manifestation
10 - manifested
1 - manifestly
37 * mark
6 - marked
1 - markest
3 - marketh
7 * market
3 - marketplace
1 - marketplaces
4 - markets
19 * marriage
3 - marriages
30 - married
4 - marrieth
2 - marrying
11 * marvel
23 - marvelled
24 - marvellous
3 - marvellously
1 - marvels
157 * master
1 - masterbuilder
20 - masters
22 * mean
4 - meanest
8 - meaneth
3 - meaning
35 - means
3 - meant
69 * measure
46 - measured
39 - measures
11 - measuring
6 * meddle
1 - meddled
1 - meddleth
2 - meddling
132 * meet
2 - meetest
3 - meeteth
2 - meeting
17 * melt
13 - melted
7 - melteth
1 - melting
1651 * men
1 - menchildren
2 - menpleasers
10 - menservants
1 - menstealers
22 * merchandise
12 - merchant
2 - merchantmen
28 - merchants
40 * mercies
40 - merciful
276 - mercy
1 - mercyseat
1 * merrily
28 - merry
1 - merryhearted
7 * message
34 - messenger
79 - messengers
6 * mete
3 - meted
1 - meteyard
39 * midian
1 - midianite
24 - midianites
3 - midianitish
475 * might
19 - mightest
13 - mightier
2 - mighties
1 - mightiest
11 - mightily
284 - mighty
1 * mills
9 - millstone
2 - millstones
95 * mind
15 - minded
10 - mindful
1 - minding
16 - minds
100 * minister
37 - ministered
2 - ministereth
9 - ministering
26 - ministers
7 - ministration
22 - ministry
47 * mischief
3 - mischiefs
5 - mischievous
3 * miserable
1 - miserably
2 - miseries
7 - misery
2 * miss
3 - missed
2 - missing
168 * moab
3 - moabite
19 - moabites
6 - moabitess
1 - moabitish
12 * mock
21 - mocked
1 - mocker
5 - mockers
1 - mockest
5 - mocketh
5 - mocking
1 - mockings
1 * moderately
1 - moderation
1 - modest
1 * moist
1 - moistened
2 - moisture
250 * month
1 - monthly
59 - months
6 * mortal
1 - mortality
1 - mortally
245 * mother
7 - mothers
263 * mount
137 - mountain
177 - mountains
1 * mounted
1 - mounting
3 - mounts
45 * mourn
22 - mourned
1 - mourner
4 - mourners
11 - mourneth
1 - mournfully
51 - mourning
13 * move
1 - moveable
75 - moved
1 - movedst
1 - mover
8 - moveth
5 - moving
1 * mower
1 - mowings
1 - mown
9 * mule
11 - mules
44 * multiplied
1 - multipliedst
3 - multiplieth
46 - multiply
2 - multiplying
9 * murder
20 - murderer
10 - murderers
4 - murders
9 * murmur
19 - murmured
1 - murmurers
2 - murmuring
9 - murmurings
16 * music
3 - musical
55 - musician
1 - musicians
5 * naamah
16 - naaman
4 - naamathite
1 - naamites
8 * nail
1 - nailing
10 - nails
928 * name
57 - named
23 - namely
97 - names
1 - nameth
9 * narrow
1 - narrowed
1 - narrower
2 - narrowly
13 * natural
2 - naturally
12 - nature
1 * nazarene
1 - nazarenes
29 - nazareth
9 - nazarite
3 - nazarites
49 * need
2 - needed
1 - needest
6 - needeth
6 - needful
38 - needy
16 - needs
2 * needle
9 - needlework
4 * neglect
1 - neglected
1 - neglecting
2 - negligent
107 * neighbour
21 - neighbours
1 * neighed
1 - neighing
1 - neighings
150 * new
1 - newborn
2 - newly
2 - newness
1 - news
7 * noble
3 - nobleman
30 - nobles
88 * noise
4 - noised
4 - noisome
15 * noon
7 - noonday
1 - noontide
132 * north
2 - northern
24 - northward
12 * nose
2 - noses
14 - nostrils
5 * nourish
10 - nourished
1 - nourisher
1 - nourisheth
1 - nourishing
1 - nourishment
178 * number
128 - numbered
3 - numberest
2 - numbering
3 - numbers
10 * nurse
2 - nursed
3 - nursing
12 * obedience
16 - obedient
69 - obey
41 - obeyed
2 - obeyedst
3 - obeyeth
3 - obeying
1 * observation
55 - observe
11 - observed
1 - observer
1 - observers
1 - observest
1 - observeth
15 * obtain
28 - obtained
2 - obtaineth
1 - obtaining
21 * occasion
1 - occasioned
3 - occasions
5 * occupation
7 - occupied
1 - occupiers
1 - occupieth
2 - occupy
19 * offence
7 - offences
25 - offend
25 - offended
2 - offender
1 - offenders
236 * offer
143 - offered
15 - offereth
724 - offering
265 - offerings
46 * office
12 - officer
58 - officers
5 - offices
13 * oft
15 - often
1 - oftener
6 - oftentimes
3 - ofttimes
38 * olive
15 - olives
2 - olivet
1 - oliveyard
5 - oliveyards
124 * open
137 - opened
2 - openest
21 - openeth
7 - opening
1 - openings
15 - openly
1 * oppose
1 - opposed
1 - opposest
1 - opposeth
1 - oppositions
23 * oppress
38 - oppressed
5 - oppresseth
3 - oppressing
24 - oppression
3 - oppressions
14 - oppressor
8 - oppressors
5 * ordain
35 - ordained
1 - ordaineth
61 * order
4 - ordered
1 - ordereth
1 - orderings
1 - orderly
463 * other
70 - others
15 - otherwise
1164 * our
12 - ours
51 - ourselves
3 * overcame
22 - overcome
11 - overcometh
13 * overflow
2 - overflowed
1 - overfloweth
11 - overflowing
3 - overflown
35 * overlaid
13 - overlay
2 - overlaying
17 * overtake
2 - overtaken
1 - overtaketh
12 * overthrew
19 - overthrow
5 - overthroweth
16 - overthrown
4 * overturn
1 - overturned
3 - overturneth
1 * owe
3 - owed
4 - owest
1 - oweth
596 * own
13 - owner
5 - owners
2 - owneth
2 * pacified
2 - pacifieth
1 - pacify
25 * pain
5 - pained
1 - painful
1 - painfulness
4 - pains
2 * painted
1 - paintedst
1 - painting
1 * pant
2 - panted
3 - panteth
16 * pardon
3 - pardoned
1 - pardoneth
9 * partaker
22 - partakers
1 - partakest
2 * partial
2 - partiality
2 - particular
2 - particularly
1 - parting
830 * pass
4 - passage
5 - passages
161 - passed
1 - passedst
5 - passest
38 - passeth
13 - passing
34 * patience
9 - patient
6 - patiently
39 * pay
2 - payed
1 - payeth
1 - payment
429 * peace
8 - peaceable
12 - peaceably
1 - peacemakers
2139 * people
2 - peoples
25 * perceive
35 - perceived
2 - perceivest
3 - perceiveth
3 - perceiving
99 * perfect
8 - perfected
2 - perfecting
11 - perfection
7 - perfectly
1 - perfectness
42 * perform
2 - performance
21 - performed
4 - performeth
2 - performing
3 * perfume
2 - perfumed
1 - perfumes
2 * peril
1 - perilous
8 - perils
120 * perish
26 - perished
9 - perisheth
1 - perishing
25 * persecute
20 - persecuted
6 - persecutest
1 - persecuting
10 - persecution
5 - persecutions
1 - persecutor
8 - persecutors
9 * persuade
20 - persuaded
1 - persuadest
2 - persuadeth
2 - persuading
1 - persuasion
6 * pertain
17 - pertained
7 - pertaineth
8 - pertaining
20 * perverse
3 - perversely
6 - perverseness
10 * pervert
5 - perverted
5 - perverteth
2 - perverting
47 * pestilence
2 - pestilences
1 - pestilent
11 * pharisee
86 - pharisees
3 * philistia
33 - philistine
251 - philistines
4 * pierce
8 - pierced
1 - pierceth
2 - piercing
1 - piercings
8 * pine
1 - pineth
1 - pining
4 * pipe
4 - piped
1 - pipers
6 - pipes
19 * pitch
82 - pitched
12 - pitcher
5 - pitchers
6 * pitied
3 - pitieth
3 - pitiful
30 - pity
715 * place
14 - placed
215 - places
98 * plague
6 - plagued
24 - plagues
75 * plain
11 - plainly
1 - plainness
25 - plains
42 * plant
1 - plantation
39 - planted
2 - plantedst
1 - planters
5 - planteth
2 - planting
1 - plantings
8 - plants
17 * play
18 - played
2 - playedst
1 - player
2 - players
1 - playeth
7 - playing
39 * plead
3 - pleaded
3 - pleadeth
1 - pleadings
39 * please
62 - pleased
6 - pleaseth
6 - pleasing
61 - pleasure
8 - pleasures
12 * plenteous
2 - plenteousness
4 - plentiful
3 - plentifully
13 - plenty
9 * plow
5 - plowed
1 - plowers
1 - ploweth
4 - plowing
2 - plowman
2 - plowmen
3 - plowshares
30 * pluck
24 - plucked
1 - plucketh
9 * point
1 - pointed
2 - points
3 * poll
3 - polled
6 - polls
11 * pollute
40 - polluted
2 - polluting
1 - pollution
2 - pollutions
2 * ponder
1 - pondered
3 - pondereth
205 * poor
1 - poorer
1 - poorest
106 * possess
39 - possessed
1 - possessest
2 - possesseth
1 - possessing
104 - possession
13 - possessions
2 - possessor
2 - possessors
10 * potter
1 - potters
63 * pour
84 - poured
1 - pouredst
11 - poureth
2 - pouring
272 * power
3 - powerful
14 - powers
4 * practice
2 - practiced
1 - practices
248 * praise
26 - praised
29 - praises
1 - praiseth
10 - praising
313 * pray
65 - prayed
114 - prayer
24 - prayers
2 - prayest
7 - prayeth
20 - praying
50 * preach
61 - preached
11 - preacher
1 - preachest
3 - preacheth
27 - preaching
1 * prefer
5 - preferred
2 - preferring
9 * preparation
1 - preparations
81 - prepare
101 - prepared
1 - preparedst
3 - preparest
3 - prepareth
2 - preparing
106 * present
18 - presented
1 - presenting
5 - presently
10 - presents
30 * preserve
16 - preserved
1 - preserver
2 - preservest
8 - preserveth
9 * press
15 - pressed
3 - presses
2 - presseth
1 * presumed
2 - presumptuous
6 - presumptuously
29 * prevail
37 - prevailed
1 - prevailest
1 - prevaileth
7 * prevent
9 - prevented
1 - preventest
2 * pricked
1 - pricking
3 - pricks
497 * priest
16 - priesthood
392 - priests
102 * prince
273 - princes
1 - princess
90 * prison
13 - prisoner
20 - prisoners
3 - prisons
1 * private
8 - privately
15 - privily
4 - privy
15 * proceed
9 - proceeded
11 - proceedeth
1 - proceeding
23 * proclaim
16 - proclaimed
1 - proclaimeth
3 - proclaiming
9 - proclamation
2 * procure
2 - procured
1 - procureth
33 * profane
15 - profaned
1 - profaneness
1 - profaneth
2 - profaning
3 * profess
2 - professed
3 - professing
4 - profession
45 * profit
13 - profitable
6 - profited
6 - profiteth
1 - profiting
14 * prolong
9 - prolonged
2 - prolongeth
53 * promise
48 - promised
3 - promisedst
13 - promises
1 - promising
5 * promote
5 - promoted
2 - promotion
23 * pronounce
14 - pronounced
1 - pronouncing
2 * prophecies
21 - prophecy
50 - prophesied
7 - prophesieth
90 - prophesy
6 - prophesying
1 - prophesyings
242 - prophet
8 - prophetess
239 - prophets
49 * prosper
13 - prospered
4 - prospereth
17 - prosperity
8 - prosperous
2 - prosperously
3 * protest
3 - protested
1 - protesting
11 * provide
9 - provided
1 - providence
2 - provideth
1 - providing
42 * provoke
33 - provoked
1 - provokedst
3 - provoketh
6 - provoking
3 * prudence
24 - prudent
1 - prudently
2 * prune
1 - pruned
1 - pruning
3 - pruninghooks
88 * psalm
1 - psalmist
9 - psalms
14 - psalteries
13 - psaltery
17 * publish
11 - published
4 - publisheth
15 * pull
7 - pulled
2 - pulling
32 * punish
17 - punished
27 - punishment
2 - punishments
97 * pure
1 - purely
3 - pureness
2 - purer
15 * purge
14 - purged
1 - purgeth
1 - purging
8 - purification
1 - purifications
12 - purified
1 - purifier
2 - purifieth
14 - purify
12 - purifying
36 * purpose
19 - purposed
5 - purposes
1 - purposeth
1 - purposing
29 * pursue
38 - pursued
1 - pursuer
5 - pursuers
8 - pursueth
8 - pursuing
9 * push
1 - pushed
1 - pushing
911 * put
7 - puttest
30 - putteth
17 - putting
4 * quake
2 - quaked
2 - quaking
14 * question
3 - questioned
2 - questioning
14 - questions
10 * quick
13 - quicken
7 - quickened
5 - quickeneth
1 - quickening
39 - quickly
1 - quicksands
31 * quiet
2 - quieted
1 - quieteth
2 - quietly
10 - quietness
18 * rage
1 - raged
1 - rageth
5 - raging
1 * rail
3 - railed
1 - railer
4 - railing
1 - railings
102 * rain
2 - rainbow
9 - rained
1 - rainy
59 * raise
85 - raised
1 - raiser
8 - raiseth
2 - raising
97 * ram
68 - rams
6 * raven
5 - ravens
5 - ravening
3 - ravenous
7 - ravished
15 * reach
8 - reached
14 - reacheth
4 - reaching
70 * read
2 - readest
4 - readeth
6 - reading
32 * reap
4 - reaped
1 - reaper
9 - reapers
2 - reapest
4 - reapeth
3 - reaping
71 * reason
1 - reasonable
12 - reasoned
5 - reasoning
2 - reasons
14 * rebel
34 - rebelled
2 - rebellest
9 - rebellion
36 - rebellious
3 - rebels
46 * rebuke
25 - rebuked
1 - rebuker
3 - rebukes
4 - rebuketh
2 - rebuking
176 * receive
160 - received
1 - receivedst
1 - receiver
37 - receiveth
7 - receiving
8 * reckon
22 - reckoned
1 - reckoneth
2 - reckoning
46 * recompense
10 - recompensed
2 - recompenses
1 - recompensest
1 - recompensing
5 * reconcile
7 - reconciled
8 - reconciliation
3 - reconciling
30 * record
1 - recorded
9 - recorder
3 - records
21 * recover
11 - recovered
1 - recovering
53 * red
6 - reddish
1 - redness
56 * redeem
62 - redeemed
1 - redeemedst
18 - redeemer
2 - redeemeth
3 - redeeming
20 - redemption
1 * refine
5 - refined
1 - refiner
9 * refrain
7 - refrained
1 - refraineth
3 * refresh
10 - refreshed
1 - refresheth
2 - refreshing
26 * refuse
33 - refused
1 - refusedst
9 - refuseth
30 * regard
9 - regarded
4 - regardest
15 - regardeth
2 - regarding
168 * reign
176 - reigned
1 - reignest
13 - reigneth
1 - reigning
15 - reins
4 * reject
29 - rejected
1 - rejecteth
192 * rejoice
47 - rejoiced
1 - rejoicest
18 - rejoiceth
28 - rejoicing
7 * relieve
1 - relieved
1 - relieveth
79 * remain
6 - remainder
53 - remained
2 - remainest
37 - remaineth
14 - remaining
148 * remember
57 - remembered
2 - rememberest
5 - remembereth
2 - remembering
53 - remembrance
1 - remembrances
10 * remission
1 - remit
1 - remitted
45 * remove
91 - removed
5 - removeth
5 - removing
19 * rend
33 - render
4 - rendered
1 - renderest
1 - rendereth
1 - rendering
1 - rending
6 * renew
6 - renewed
2 - renewest
2 - renewing
14 * repair
44 - repaired
1 - repairer
1 - repairing
8 * repay
1 - repayed
1 - repayeth
46 * repent
26 - repentance
32 - repented
1 - repentest
5 - repenteth
1 - repenting
1 - repentings
88 * reproach
15 - reproached
5 - reproaches
1 - reproachest
7 - reproacheth
2 - reproachfully
15 * reproof
2 - reproofs
19 - reprove
10 - reproved
2 - reprover
4 - reproveth
19 * request
5 - requested
1 - requests
29 * require
22 - required
1 - requirest
2 - requireth
1 - requiring
9 * requite
2 - requited
1 - requiting
3 * rescue
3 - rescued
1 - rescueth
1 * resemblance
1 - resemble
1 - resembled
3 * reserve
16 - reserved
2 - reserveth
10 * resist
2 - resisted
4 - resisteth
34 * respect
1 - respected
1 - respecter
2 - respecteth
275 * rest
21 - rested
1 - restest
4 - resteth
4 - resting
1 - restingplace
1 - rests
40 * restore
27 - restored
2 - restorer
2 - restoreth
2 * restrain
8 - restrained
1 - restrainest
1 - restraint
7 * retain
6 - retained
3 - retaineth
263 * return
185 - returned
7 - returneth
4 - returning
74 * reuben
1 - reubenite
16 - reubenites
7 * reveal
38 - revealed
1 - revealer
6 - revealeth
10 - revelation
2 - revelations
5 * revenge
1 - revenged
7 - revenger
2 - revengers
2 - revengeth
1 - revenging
13 * reverence
1 - reverenced
1 - reverend
2 * revile
6 - reviled
1 - revilers
1 - revilest
8 * revive
6 - revived
2 - reviving
3 * revolt
7 - revolted
3 - revolters
1 - revolting
80 * reward
14 - rewarded
1 - rewarder
6 - rewardeth
5 - rewards
81 * rich
1 - richer
98 - riches
2 - richly
6 * rid
2 - riddance
1 - ridden
20 * ride
7 - rider
5 - riders
7 - rideth
10 - riding
359 * right
238 - righteous
8 - righteously
302 - righteousness
3 - righteousnesses
4 - rightly
11 * ring
1 - ringleader
44 - rings
7 - ringstreaked
3 * riot
1 - rioting
3 - riotous
142 * rise
51 - risen
2 - risest
14 - riseth
41 - rising
175 * river
77 - rivers
23 * roar
5 - roared
3 - roareth
16 - roaring
1 - roarings
5 * roast
3 - roasted
2 - roasteth
8 * rob
13 - robbed
5 - robber
11 - robbers
7 - robbery
1 - robbeth
7 * roe
4 - roebuck
1 - roebucks
5 - roes
28 * roll
12 - rolled
1 - roller
1 - rolleth
1 - rolling
1 - rolls
44 * root
8 - rooted
20 - roots
5 * rot
5 - rotten
5 - rottenness
17 * row
2 - rowed
1 - rowers
1 - rowing
16 - rows
11 * ruin
3 - ruined
3 - ruinous
3 - ruins
66 * rule
13 - ruled
84 - ruler
78 - rulers
2 - rulest
14 - ruleth
3 - ruling
71 * run
1 - runnest
11 - runneth
26 - running
4 * rush
3 - rushed
1 - rushes
1 - rusheth
8 - rushing
2 * sabaoth
137 - sabbath
35 - sabbaths
9 * sack
4 - sackbut
46 - sackcloth
1 - sackclothes
9 - sacks
217 * sacrifice
33 - sacrificed
1 - sacrificedst
79 - sacrifices
6 - sacrificeth
2 - sacrificing
1 - sacrilege
11 * sad
1 - sadly
1 - sadness
13 * safe
1 - safeguard
21 - safely
19 - safety
8 * sail
15 - sailed
3 - sailing
1 - sailors
5 * saint
95 - saints
41 * salt
4 - salted
1 - saltness
1 - saltpits
6 * salutation
1 - salutations
39 - salute
9 - saluted
5 - saluteth
124 * samaria
3 - samaritan
7 - samaritans
5 * sanctification
62 - sanctified
4 - sanctifieth
70 - sanctify
2 * satisfaction
43 - satisfied
1 - satisfiest
3 - satisfieth
10 - satisfy
2 - satisfying
233 * save
104 - saved
3 - savest
7 - saveth
12 - saving
54 * savour
2 - savourest
1 - savours
6 - savoury
548 * saw
1 - sawed
21 - sawest
3 - saws
1056 * say
40 - sayest
1445 - saying
31 - sayings
7 * scab
1 - scabbard
2 - scabbed
3 * scarce
2 - scarcely
1 - scarceness
1 - scarest
38 * scatter
71 - scattered
10 - scattereth
1 - scattering
16 * scorn
11 - scorner
4 - scorners
2 - scornest
4 - scorneth
3 - scornful
3 - scorning
12 * scourge
4 - scourged
1 - scourges
1 - scourgeth
1 - scourging
1 - scourgings
52 * scribe
68 - scribes
7 * scrip
32 - scripture
21 - scriptures
26 * seal
36 - sealed
1 - sealest
3 - sealeth
1 - sealing
5 - seals
48 * search
20 - searched
2 - searchest
8 - searcheth
5 - searching
1 - searchings
56 * season
2 - seasoned
12 - seasons
58 * seat
1 - seated
11 - seats
1 - seatward
68 * secret
20 - secretly
10 - secrets
7 * secure
2 - securely
1 - security
3 * seduce
3 - seduced
1 - seducers
1 - seduceth
1 - seducing
597 * see
54 - seeth
36 - seest
277 - seen
116 - seeing
279 * seed
5 - seeds
1 - seedtime
244 * seek
9 - seekest
42 - seeketh
14 - seeking
22 * seem
16 - seemed
28 - seemeth
2 - seemly
21 * seer
6 - seers
7 * self
15 - selfsame
1 - selfwill
2 - selfwilled
35 * sell
4 - seller
1 - sellers
1 - sellest
7 - selleth
234 * send
6 - sendest
15 - sendeth
14 - sending
1 * sense
1 - senses
2 - sensual
32 * separate
33 - separated
5 - separateth
1 - separating
26 - separation
38 * serpent
13 - serpents
491 * servant
476 - servants
209 * serve
74 - served
1 - servedst
2 - servest
9 - serveth
132 - service
7 - serving
695 * set
1 - setter
7 - settest
22 - setteth
3 - setting
1 - settings
10 * settle
7 - settled
1 - settlest
463 * seven
6 - sevenfold
2 - sevens
10 - seventeen
6 - seventeenth
2 * sew
2 - sewed
1 - sewest
1 - seweth
73 * shadow
3 - shadowing
3 - shadows
37 * shake
1 - shaked
22 - shaken
7 - shaketh
8 - shaking
100 * shame
4 - shamed
1 - shamefacedness
2 - shameful
4 - shamefully
1 - shamelessly
1 - shameth
2 * shape
1 - shapen
1 - shapes
25 * sharp
2 - sharpen
4 - sharpened
3 - sharpeneth
2 - sharper
2 - sharply
1 - sharpness
14 * shave
4 - shaved
7 - shaven
4 * shear
1 - shearer
3 - shearers
3 - shearing
52 * shed
1 - shedder
2 - sheddeth
1 - shedding
187 * sheep
2 - sheepcote
1 - sheepcotes
1 - sheepfold
3 - sheepfolds
1 - sheepmaster
3 - sheepshearers
1 - sheepskins
43 * shepherd
37 - shepherds
32 * shine
9 - shined
9 - shineth
11 - shining
71 * ship
2 - shipmaster
3 - shipmen
1 - shipping
38 - ships
2 - shipwreck
9 * shoe
1 - shoelatchet
21 - shoes
21 * shoot
1 - shooters
3 - shooteth
2 - shooting
13 * short
9 - shortened
2 - shorter
15 - shortly
40 * shoulder
2 - shoulderpieces
20 - shoulders
73 - shouldest
36 * shout
14 - shouted
1 - shouteth
15 - shouting
1 - shoutings
228 * show
18 - showbread
135 - showed
2 - showedst
5 - showest
20 - showeth
15 - showing
105 * shut
8 - shutteth
1 - shutting
88 * sick
1 - sickly
20 - sickness
4 - sicknesses
7 * sigh
3 - sighed
1 - sighest
1 - sigheth
7 - sighing
1 - sighs
76 * sign
4 - signed
53 - signs
1 * signification
2 - signified
1 - signifieth
4 - signify
4 - signifying
319 * silver
1 - silverlings
1 - silversmith
447 * sin
173 - sins
2 - sinning
22 - sinneth
1 - sinnest
48 - sinners
21 - sinner
119 - sinned
8 - sinful
2 * sincere
3 - sincerely
7 - sincerity
119 * sing
1 - singed
2 - singer
38 - singers
1 - singeth
29 - singing
2 * single
3 - singleness
1 - singular
109 * sister
19 - sisters
113 * sit
7 - sittest
42 - sitteth
43 - sitting
7 * skill
7 - skilful
1 - skilfully
1 - skilfulness
1 * skip
2 - skipped
1 - skippedst
1 - skipping
8 * slack
1 - slacked
1 - slackness
3 * slander
1 - slandered
1 - slanderers
1 - slanderest
1 - slandereth
1 - slanderously
2 - slanders
117 * slay
19 - slayer
5 - slayeth
7 - slaying
82 * sleep
1 - sleeper
4 - sleepest
7 - sleepeth
6 - sleeping
8 * sling
1 - slingers
1 - slings
1 - slingstones
5 * slip
2 - slipped
3 - slippery
3 - slippeth
1 - slips
10 * slumber
1 - slumbered
1 - slumbereth
1 - slumberings
20 * smell
2 - smelled
1 - smelleth
3 - smelling
125 * smite
1 - smiters
2 - smitest
13 - smiteth
5 - smiting
63 - smitten
6 * smooth
2 - smoother
1 - smootheth
46 * snare
9 - snared
15 - snares
3 * snuffdishes
2 - snuffed
6 - snuffers
1 - snuffeth
12 * sober
2 - soberly
1 - soberness
2 - sobriety
48 * sodom
1 - sodoma
1 - sodomite
4 - sodomites
8 * soft
1 - softer
7 - softly
33 * sojourn
12 - sojourned
8 - sojourner
3 - sojourners
15 - sojourneth
3 - sojourning
5 * soldier
29 - soldiers
29 * solemn
3 - solemnities
2 - solemnity
2 - solemnly
232 * some
2 - somebody
8 - something
2 - sometime
3 - sometimes
25 - somewhat
2371 * son
1079 - sons
1 * soothsayer
6 - soothsayers
1 - soothsaying
2 * sorcerer
6 - sorcerers
1 - sorceress
5 - sorceries
1 - sorcery
98 * sore
2 - sorely
1 - sorer
4 - sores
70 * sorrow
2 - sorrowed
1 - sorroweth
18 - sorrowful
2 - sorrowing
22 - sorrows
14 - sorry
458 * soul
78 - souls
89 * sound
18 - sounded
1 - soundeth
7 - sounding
4 - soundness
1 - sounds
37 * sow
10 - sowed
1 - sowedst
8 - sower
3 - sowest
15 - soweth
2 - sowing
32 - sown
40 * spare
12 - spared
4 - spareth
1 - sparing
2 - sparingly
2 * spark
1 - sparkled
4 - sparks
513 * speak
2 - speaker
17 - speakest
74 - speaketh
62 - speaking
1 - speakings
45 * spear
2 - spearmen
16 - spears
49 * speech
7 - speeches
3 - speechless
11 * speed
19 - speedily
1 - speedy
7 * spend
1 - spendest
3 - spendeth
19 - spent
5 * spice
1 - spiced
1 - spicery
31 - spices
505 * spirit
46 - spirits
28 - spiritual
3 - spiritually
11 * spit
1 - spitted
1 - spitting
3 - spittle
118 * spoil
55 - spoiled
9 - spoiler
7 - spoilers
1 - spoilest
4 - spoileth
5 - spoiling
5 - spoils
25 * spot
6 - spots
7 - spotted
109 * spread
1 - spreadest
14 - spreadeth
4 - spreading
1 - spreadings
23 * spring
4 - springeth
5 - springing
16 - springs
31 * sprinkle
25 - sprinkled
2 - sprinkleth
4 - sprinkling
3 * square
1 - squared
2 - squares
12 * stablish
4 - stablished
2 - stablisheth
3 * stagger
1 - staggered
1 - staggereth
3 * stall
1 - stalled
4 - stalls
2 * stamp
9 - stamped
1 - stamping
274 * stand
55 - standing
30 - standeth
18 * standard
1 - standardbearer
3 - standards
15 * star
1 - stargazers
51 - stars
17 * stature
35 - statute
132 - statutes
33 * stay
31 - stayed
1 - stayeth
4 - stays
22 * steal
3 - stealeth
2 - stealing
11 * stedfast
10 - stedfastly
2 - stedfastness
2 * step
1 - stepped
1 - steppeth
38 - steps
13 * steward
4 - stewards
3 - stewardship
14 * stick
1 - sticketh
6 - sticks
3 * stiff
1 - stiffened
1 - stiffhearted
9 - stiffnecked
101 * still
2 - stilled
1 - stillest
1 - stilleth
2 * sting
1 - stingeth
1 - stings
8 * stink
2 - stinketh
1 - stinking
20 * stir
23 - stirred
8 - stirreth
1 - stirs
191 * stone
22 - stoned
178 - stones
1 - stonesquarers
2 - stonest
1 - stoning
7 - stony
4 * stoop
7 - stooped
1 - stoopeth
2 - stooping
7 * stop
15 - stopped
4 - stoppeth
25 * store
2 - storehouse
6 - storehouses
4 * stout
2 - stouthearted
1 - stoutness
28 * straight
42 - straightway
1 - straiten
8 - straitened
1 - straiteneth
1 - straitest
11 - straitly
5 - straitness
2 - straits
76 * strange
1 - strangely
129 - stranger
79 - strangers
242 * strength
32 - strengthen
39 - strengthened
1 - strengthenedst
7 - strengtheneth
2 - strengthening
50 * stretch
71 - stretched
1 - stretchedst
1 - stretchest
7 - stretcheth
2 - stretching
12 * strike
2 - striker
3 - striketh
2 * string
3 - stringed
4 - strings
7 * strip
2 - stripe
17 - stripes
1 - stripling
13 - stripped
22 * strive
1 - strived
1 - striven
2 - striveth
3 - striving
3 - strivings
255 * strong
21 - stronger
1 - strongest
1 - strongly
19 * stumble
6 - stumbled
4 - stumbleth
4 - stumbling
11 - stumblingblock
2 - stumblingblocks
2 - stumblingstone
4 - stump
8 * subdue
19 - subdued
1 - subduedst
3 - subdueth
17 * subject
1 - subjected
14 - subjection
12 * submit
3 - submitted
1 - submitting
3 * subtle
6 - subtlety
3 - subtly
2 * subvert
1 - subverted
2 - subverting
1 * succeed
3 - succeeded
2 - succeedest
1 - success
3 * succour
2 - succoured
1 - succourer
19 * suck
2 - sucked
5 - sucking
3 - suckling
4 - sucklings
96 * suffer
50 - suffered
1 - sufferest
5 - suffereth
5 - suffering
10 - sufferings
7 * suffice
3 - sufficed
1 - sufficeth
3 * sufficiency
13 - sufficient
2 - sufficiently
1 * suppliants
39 - supplication
21 - supplications
2 * supplied
2 - supplieth
5 - supply
10 * suppose
8 - supposed
7 - supposing
41 * sure
284 - surely
1 - sureties
1 - suretiship
14 - surety
4 * sustain
3 - sustained
3 - sustenance
2 * swaddled
2 - swaddling
1 - swaddlingband
23 * swallow
26 - swallowed
2 - swalloweth
60 * swear
1 - swearers
11 - sweareth
4 - swearing
108 * sweet
3 - sweeter
2 - sweetly
5 - sweetness
1 - sweetsmelling
4 * swell
1 - swelled
7 - swelling
1 - swellings
20 * swift
6 - swifter
4 - swiftly
6 * swim
1 - swimmest
1 - swimmeth
43 * synagogue
24 - synagogues
874 * take
338 - taken
1 - taker
9 - takest
74 - taketh
20 - taking
5 * tale
6 - talebearer
2 - tales
24 * talk
42 - talked
2 - talkers
3 - talkest
2 - talketh
9 - talking
32 * tarried
1 - tarriest
2 - tarrieth
51 - tarry
2 - tarrying
2 * task
6 - taskmasters
1 - tasks
22 * taste
8 - tasted
1 - tasteth
1 * taxation
4 - taxed
1 - taxes
2 - taxing
109 * teach
6 - teacher
14 - teachers
8 - teachest
16 - teacheth
25 - teaching
13 * tear
6 - teareth
36 - tears
217 * tell
1 - tellest
7 - telleth
3 - telling
14 * tempt
16 - temptation
8 - temptations
25 - tempted
2 - tempter
1 - tempteth
7 - tempting
39 * tender
2 - tenderhearted
1 - tenderness
98 * tent
1 - tentmakers
66 - tents
52 * terrible
3 - terribleness
1 - terribly
4 * terrified
1 - terrifiest
4 - terrify
29 - terror
15 - terrors
24 * testified
2 - testifiedst
5 - testifieth
29 - testify
3 - testifying
36 - testimonies
76 - testimony
27 * thank
3 - thanked
3 - thankful
1 - thankfulness
1 - thanking
73 - thanks
28 - thanksgiving
2 - thanksgivings
1 - thankworthy
2299 * there
1 - thereabout
3 - thereat
21 - thereby
1237 - therefore
3 - therefrom
230 - therein
1 - thereinto
908 - thereof
66 - thereon
2 - thereout
20 - thereto
9 - thereunto
5 - thereupon
36 - therewith
39 * thick
2 - thicker
4 - thickness
549 * thing
1161 - things
65 * think
9 - thinkest
6 - thinketh
2 - thinking
31 * thirst
2 - thirsted
4 - thirsteth
17 - thirsty
81 * thought
1 - thoughtest
57 - thoughts
1 * threaten
2 - threatened
1 - threatening
2 - threatenings
485 * three
1 - threefold
93 - threescore
4 * thresh
3 - threshed
1 - thresheth
10 - threshing
17 - threshingfloor
2 - threshingfloors
1 - threshingplace
14 - threshold
3 - thresholds
2 * throng
2 - thronged
1 - thronging
19 * thunder
1 - thunderbolts
4 - thundered
3 - thundereth
6 - thunderings
7 - thunders
169 * till
3 - tillage
2 - tilled
1 - tiller
1 - tillest
2 - tilleth
14 * tithe
24 - tithes
2 - tithing
4 * toil
1 - toiled
1 - toiling
11 * torment
8 - tormented
1 - tormentors
2 - torments
2 * toss
7 - tossed
1 - tossings
48 * touch
49 - touched
40 - toucheth
30 - touching
13 * town
1 - townclerk
45 - towns
5 * trade
5 - traded
1 - trading
14 * transgress
34 - transgressed
1 - transgressest
4 - transgresseth
2 - transgressing
51 - transgression
48 - transgressions
5 - transgressor
20 - transgressors
1 * translate
3 - translated
1 - translation
31 * travail
5 - travailed
1 - travailest
7 - travaileth
3 - travailing
2 * travel
1 - travelled
2 - traveller
1 - travellers
2 - travelleth
3 - travelling
9 * treacherous
23 - treacherously
1 - treachery
33 * tread
1 - treader
1 - treaders
10 - treadeth
4 - treading
37 * treasure
1 - treasured
2 - treasurer
4 - treasurers
62 - treasures
1 - treasurest
10 - treasuries
9 - treasury
29 * tremble
21 - trembled
4 - trembleth
26 - trembling
82 * trespass
15 - trespassed
12 - trespasses
2 - trespassing
20 * tried
3 - triest
5 - trieth
10 * triumph
2 - triumphed
2 - triumphing
110 * trouble
68 - troubled
1 - troubledst
1 - troubler
12 - troubles
1 - troublest
10 - troubleth
2 - troubling
2 * trump
61 - trumpet
4 - trumpeters
51 - trumpets
134 * trust
29 - trusted
3 - trustedst
6 - trustest
17 - trusteth
1 - trusting
1 - trusty
16 * tumult
3 - tumults
3 - tumultuous
283 * turn
287 - turned
3 - turnest
33 - turneth
18 - turning
2 * turtle
3 - turtledove
7 - turtledoves
3 - turtles
835 * two
4 - twoedged
1 - twofold
16 * unbelief
4 - unbelievers
6 - unbelieving
194 * unclean
40 - uncleanness
1 - uncleannesses
26 * uncover
17 - uncovered
3 - uncovereth
91 * understand
4 - understandest
11 - understandeth
160 - understanding
37 - understood
1 * unite
1 - united
3 - unity
9 * unrighteous
1 - unrighteously
21 - unrighteousness
2 * upbraid
1 - upbraided
1 - upbraideth
8 * uphold
2 - upholden
1 - upholdest
4 - upholdeth
1 - upholding
68 * upright
12 - uprightly
19 - uprightness
1 * urge
6 - urged
2 - urgent
35 * use
22 - used
1 - uses
1 - usest
7 - useth
2 - using
45 * utter
5 - utterance
17 - uttered
9 - uttereth
1 - uttering
100 - utterly
28 - uttermost
112 * vain
1 - vainglory
1 - vainly
32 * valiant
1 - valiantest
6 - valiantly
7 * value
4 - valued
1 - valuest
4 * vanish
2 - vanished
2 - vanisheth
15 * vex
14 - vexation
1 - vexations
22 - vexed
1 * vilely
1 - viler
1 - vilest
62 * vine
4 - vinedressers
12 - vines
69 - vineyard
45 - vineyards
57 * violence
10 - violent
10 - violently
33 * virgin
9 - virginity
22 - virgins
7 * virtue
3 - virtuous
1 - virtuously
38 * visit
15 - visitation
23 - visited
3 - visitest
1 - visiteth
4 - visiting
8 * vomit
1 - vomited
1 - vomiteth
41 * vow
18 - vowed
1 - vowedst
2 - vowest
1 - voweth
30 - vows
2 * vulture
1 - vultures
3 * wail
1 - wailed
16 - wailing
106 * wait
35 - waited
11 - waiteth
8 - waiting
4 * wake
1 - waked
2 - wakened
2 - wakeneth
2 - waketh
1 - waking
212 * walk
122 - walked
1 - walkedst
7 - walkest
41 - walketh
30 - walking
4 * wallow
2 - wallowed
1 - wallowing
14 * wander
10 - wandered
2 - wanderers
1 - wanderest
6 - wandereth
6 - wandering
1 - wanderings
31 * want
3 - wanted
7 - wanteth
8 - wanting
2 - wants
3 * wanton
2 - wantonness
225 * war
5 - warfare
15 - wars
2 - warriors
1 - warrior
3 - warring
1 - warreth
9 - warred
8 * warm
6 - warmed
2 - warmeth
1 - warming
11 * warn
10 - warned
8 - warning
89 * wash
45 - washed
1 - washest
10 - washing
1 - washings
2 - washpot
64 * waste
16 - wasted
1 - wasteness
2 - waster
7 - wastes
3 - wasteth
2 - wasting
61 * watch
13 - watched
2 - watcher
2 - watchers
5 - watches
3 - watcheth
1 - watchful
6 - watching
2 - watchings
18 - watchman
12 - watchmen
2 - watchtower
396 * water
2 - watercourse
11 - watered
1 - wateredst
2 - waterest
5 - watereth
1 - waterflood
3 - watering
1 - waterpot
2 - waterpots
287 - waters
1 - waterspouts
2 - watersprings
24 * wax
37 - waxed
12 - waxen
2 - waxeth
1 - waxing
664 * way
205 - ways
2 - wayside
46 * weak
1 - weaken
3 - weakened
2 - weakeneth
3 - weaker
7 - weakness
2 * wearieth
3 - weariness
1 - wearisome
42 - weary
2 * weave
2 - weaver
1 - weavest
49 * weep
3 - weepest
4 - weepeth
44 - weeping
6 * weigh
17 - weighed
2 - weigheth
2 - weighing
58 * weight
1 - weightier
6 - weights
2 - weighty
256 * well
11 - wells
2 - wellspring
69 * west
1 - western
26 - westward
2 * whale
1 - whales
401 * where
1 - whereabout
33 - whereas
39 - whereby
348 - wherefore
166 - wherein
1 - whereinsoever
3 - whereinto
71 - whereof
27 - whereon
12 - wheresoever
3 - whereto
27 - whereunto
17 - whereupon
110 - wherewith
2 - wherewithal
2 * whisper
1 - whispered
1 - whisperer
1 - whisperers
1 - whisperings
75 * white
2 - whited
2 - whiter
250 * whole
2 - wholesome
29 - wholly
14 * whore
22 - whoredom
32 - whoredoms
1 - whoremonger
4 - whoremongers
2 - whores
19 - whoring
3 - whorish
344 * wicked
23 - wickedly
127 - wickedness
50 * widow
4 - widowhood
23 - widows
3837 * will
1 - willeth
32 - willing
25 - willingly
123 * wind
3 - winding
23 - winds
1 - windy
231 * wine
2 - winebibber
1 - winebibbers
2 - winefat
15 - winepress
3 - winepresses
2 - wines
13 * wing
2 - winged
76 - wings
2 * wink
1 - winked
2 - winketh
14 * winter
1 - wintered
1 - winterhouse
8 * wipe
4 - wiped
2 - wipeth
1 - wiping
247 * wise
14 - wisely
8 - wiser
6 * wish
2 - wished
1 - wishing
2 * witch
3 - witchcraft
4 - witchcrafts
11 * withdraw
1 - withdrawest
1 - withdraweth
6 - withdrawn
6 - withdrew
11 * wither
25 - withered
8 - withereth
6 * withheld
1 - withheldest
9 - withhold
10 - withholden
4 - withholdeth
135 * witness
4 - witnessed
49 - witnesses
2 - witnesseth
1 - witnessing
106 * woe
1 - woeful
1 - woes
360 * woman
1 - womankind
178 * women
3 - womenservants
15 * wonder
15 - wondered
21 - wonderful
4 - wonderfully
3 - wondering
1 - wonderously
55 - wonders
15 - wondrous
1 - wondrously
697 * word
548 - words
419 * work
1 - worker
27 - workers
37 - worketh
1 - workfellow
20 - working
10 - workman
7 - workmanship
11 - workmen
236 - works
287 * world
2 - worldly
2 - worlds
14 * worm
8 - worms
9 - wormwood
107 * worship
70 - worshipped
2 - worshipper
7 - worshippers
6 - worshippeth
5 - worshipping
9 * worth
1 - worthies
1 - worthily
68 - worthy
25 * wound
35 - wounded
1 - woundedst
1 - woundeth
1 - wounding
15 - wounds
198 * wrath
2 - wrathful
1 - wraths
1 * wreath
1 - wreathed
10 - wreathen
3 - wreaths
5 * wrest
1 - wrestle
3 - wrestled
1 - wrestlings
3 * wring
1 - wringed
1 - wringing
91 * write
2 - writer
2 - writest
1 - writeth
38 - writing
1 - writings
277 - written
26 * wrong
2 - wronged
1 - wrongeth
7 - wrongfully
367 * year
9 - yearly
537 - years
30 * yield
8 - yielded
4 - yieldeth
7 - yielding
59 * yoke
1 - yoked
1 - yokefellow
4 - yokes
300 * young
31 - younger
18 - youngest
1776 * your
12 - yours
191 - yourselves
70 * youth
1 - youthful
2 - youths
16 * zeal
8 - zealous
2 - zealously